Hi, I’m Jo!
My story doesn’t start with “ever since I was a kid I was passionate about kitchen…and I remember how I was helping my mother making cookies…and years later, with the support of my family, I succeeded in having a business out of my passion…and I hope my kids will inherit my passion and carry it on…”
Well, NO! :)) My story is…different…
Yes, it’s a pleasure to remember my mother, who spoiled me with all the healthy and delicious dishes (and not only this), while I was sitting next to her, adding some pressure to make the cake faster… And yes, I have 1000% my family support…and I wish I reach to as many people as I can, to share my belief, that recipes can be at the same time HEALTHY, very TASTY, but most important, EASY AND FAST TO PREPARE! And about my children, I will guide them into discovering their passion, and I will support them into following them!
To get to the point, I was a finicky eater! But not just a regular one, but a great one! I practically didn’t eat anything! It looked to me such a great waste of time…this eating thing…pfff! My parents even tested me, by not offering food to me for one day, to see if I ask for some food…and no! I didn’t! (Maybe this was the happiest day of my life, as a child, where nobody terrorized me with food! 😊) )
Thing changed over the years…but not significantly… As an adult (around the age of 30 years) I really discovered food…and sweets…mmm!!! But most important, I understood why my mother’s dishes were so appreciated and praised by everyone who tasted her food: because it was absolutely DE-LI-CIOUS!!! Not to mention that she cooks extremely healthy food, paying (exaggerate – from my point of view) attention to the ingredients she uses.
And so, my perspective about kitchen changed dramatically, and I ended up cooking for my whole family (my mother is still surprise that I, Jo, ended up in the kitchen 😊). Apparently, I had the DNA in me, but I never let it grow 😉
Here I am, presenting you (in a video version, just to be clear for everyone) every step in preparing a recipe, what I serve to my family!
Encouragement is always welcome, and criticism is appreciated, so that I know what I must improve!