Secrets are transmitted from one generation to another

Secrets are transmitted from one generation to another

published by Ioana Serea on November 23, 2021

Secrets are transmitted from one generation to another

We all already know this, that secrets, truly precious information, are transmitted from generation to generation, from mother to daughter, to grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Neither I nor my family are an exception! 🙂
Since I was little, my mother tried to convey to me all her teachings, how to do something like this and not so, what are the little details that make the difference, practically, to ease my adult life.
I admit that some information went into one ear and came out on both… others did not enter at all :))… but by Vanish I know by.. heh heh.. when I was a kid at my mother's house!
And how come I remembered this detail from all that she shared?! Simple: it directly affected me a car oil stain on some white pants… purely by chance and my favorites!! I literally sat with my heart to my mouth to see if my mother manages to get the stain out or not, and what product she uses. And that's when I discovered the wonderful Vanish!
I didn't know at the time that information would be used in my daily life, by my mother, by my wife. Now, I'm cooking! That's no longer a secret! They dirty dishes, towels… the whole kitchen… Na… like any housewife 🙂
The part with towels is the most painful. May my husband laugh at me that that stain will come out only with scissors!:))
And I contradict him every time!! Nay with Vanish!!
We still stick with our jokes, but the fact is that, with Vanish, the spots do not remain at all, not at all, never!!
If you have not tested it before, I recommend it with great warmth and confidence!! I just took advantage of the buzzstore romania challenge to bring it to you in mind!
I hug you with love,
Ioana#BUZZVanish, #VanishLaFiecareSpalare and #3Probleme1Vanish


