7 recipes with chicken suitable for the little ones
published by Ioana Serea on November 24, 2021
It is light, tasty, it is prepared quickly, their body processes it easily, and it is also very easy to buy.I leave you below some very tasty and nutritious recipes, easy and fast to prepare, as we, mothers, like for us and our family!
- Chicken with white sauce
- Chicken with grilled vegetables
- Sour sweet chicken with pineapple
- Chicken stuffed with vegetables on the bed of natural potatoes
- Chicken legs at the lid
- Chicken on the bottle
- Chicken Ostropel
In terms of brand recommendations where you can take chicken, the one we opted for is La Provincia
As for which of the menus above is our favorite, hmm, hard to say! All are very good, and each with its own taste, aromas and charm. But if I were to bet on one, it never happened to us to get tired of
I hope you will inspire yourself, try them, and let me know when you do it!
Spore to the kitchen and good appetite!