Tiramisu babyfriendlfara baking
published by Ioana Serea on March 6, 2021, updated on November 21, 2022
I am a fan of foods that are made easily and quickly, with few ingredients to prefer, which you mix without a rule existing beforehand, put them in a dish, and put them in the oven. No chef classes you don't need, and there's no chance you'll fail with the final preparation.
Starting from this "ideal" of recipes, to which I tend, I began to simplify things even more, and when in the equation there is also "no baking", I can already say that the recipe is not only ideal, but perfect! I even developed a passion for this concept, the recipe that #seface alone – you can find here a whole article written on this topic, with all the necessary details).
Below I leave you a variant of tiramisu without baking, which is suitable for the little ones, that it has no coffee, and the sweet in it is without sugar.
I recommend children over 1 year old, because the biscuits, commercially bought, also have some sugar in them.
- 16 biscuits
- 1 tablespoon carob
- 1 cup milk from the Origins
- 500 g mascarpone
- 1 tsp stevia GrecoStevia
- Carob for décor
Preparation mode
In the video below you can find detailed step by step how to prepare this delight1
Recommendation: make at least double quantity
Enjoy the kitchen, good appetite and waiting for your opinion you try it!
With Love,
#ioanasere #foodblogger #foodvlogger #foodyoutuber #bucuresti #romania #tiramisu #faracoacere