Amarican style pancakes with oatmeal and bananas for babies

Amarican style pancakes with oatmeal and bananas for babies

published by Ioana Serea on 10 March 2021

Amarican style pancakes with oatmeal and bananas for babies

For me, pancakes = pancakes… Those… Thin… large as the plate, which you put jam and run them or fold them …
But as fashion has changed, pancakes are now smaller, thicker, and with all sorts of delicious ingredients through them🤤
I adapted as… I don't want to stay behind🙈

I saw at Roxana from Papa delicious a recipe that caught my attention and I tried it myself😇
Compared to her recipe I added an egg, this after I made the first one and it was an epic fail, that it stuck foooarte hard to the pan😒


Preparation mode

Add all the ingredients in a blender and mix until smooth.
Grease a non-stick pan with a little coconut oil and put a generous spoonful of composition.
Let it ripen for 2 minutes on each side.
And that's it! Have a craving!

What rally do you have with the pancakes?! … classics or American pancakes?
If you like this recipe remember to let me know it try and tell me how it came out! 🥰



