Porridge of oatmeal with sugar-free plum jam for babies
published by Ioana Serea on 10 March 2021
I love oatmeal porridge and I like to prepare it in a way and a face, trying all kinds of variants, which are more or less savory.
And as for the topping part, any fruit, any seeds, are more than welcome.
I propose an easy and quick option to make, with plum and nut magic (a combination for which success is guaranteed!)
- 100 g oatmeal
- 200 ml milk (I took from Tei Grocery )
- 250 ml water
- 2 tablespoons of plum magiun without sugar
- ground cinnamon
- a few nut kernels
- 1 apple cut into slices for decoration (I took from La Gospodarie )
Preparation mode:
I put the oatmeal with water and milk in a saucepan on the hob, and when it started to boil I left them for another 3 minutes, stirring continuously.
Later I added the plum magiun, put in 2 bowls, and decorated with slices of apple, nuts and cinnamon.
I served with great lust!