Hasselback Potatoes for Babies

Hasselback Potatoes for Babies

published by Ioana Serea on April 4, 2021

Hasselback Potatoes for Babies

Crispy on the outside, but fluffy on the inside, hasselback potatoes are extremely easy to make and go perfectly to any meal!

You can be the garnish for any barbecue or meat made in the oven, steamed… even simple go!


Preparation mode:

Wash and cut thin slices of potatoes (be careful not to cut them completely).

Boil them for 15-20 minutes or until soft.

Add them to a heatproof dish along with the vegetables you have chosen (red onion, garlic cloves, cherry tomatoes and green onions).

Sprinkle with a little olive oil and place in the preheated oven at 200 degrees Celsius for about 25 minutes or until crispy on the outside.

So simple!

Have a craving!


