Christmas biscuits for babies

Christmas biscuits for babies

published by Ioana Serea on March 11, 2021

Christmas biscuits for babies

Christmas biscuits in the shape of stars ⭐️ or hearts 💛 ?! …

Regardless of the form chosen, Julia's recipe from Jurnal Dulce is awesome! Thank you Julia for it🙏❤️

The biscuit recipe is very easy to make, and you can make it with the little ones.


Preparation mode:

Mix all ingredients until the composition becomes homogeneous. Transfer the floured countertop, and level with the twister. Cut into the desired shapes (I chose stars and hearts) and put in the tray of the oven wallpapered with baking paper.
Leave in the preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes, until swelled and begin to brown.

Have a craving!


