Muffins with carob and mascarpone for babies
published by Ioana Serea on March 11, 2021
At first glance you'd say it's chocolate, that's right?!..
Well, so it is with children: they see something, and they want it too! But not everything that is beautiful is also healthy, so it is important to give them from what they see and want, but to choose the healthy option.
These muffins were born this way, from the need of parents to satisfy the wishes of children, in a healthy manner!
- 1 banana (I took from The Linden Grocery )
- 1 egg (I took from The Linden Grocery )
- 2 tablespoons mascarpone
- 2 tablespoons raisins
- 1 tsp carob
Preparation mode:
Mix all the ingredients, and when the composition is homogeneous, put it in silicone molds and leave it in the oven for 30 minutes, at 180 degrees Celsius.
To have lust❤️
Will the pup,
😘 Joan